A Second Chance at Life

The chemical abortion is growing in popularity among abortion providers.  In fact, over 50% of abortions in 2020 were chemical.[1]

Many view this form of abortion as a “quick fix” but do not realize the devastating physical, mental, and emotional consequences that can result from it. 

Fortunately, women may have the opportunity to undo this decision.  After a woman takes the first dose of a chemical abortion, she may be able to reverse its effects through the Abortion Pill Reversal. 

Heartbeat International’s annual report showed that the Abortion Pill Reversal saved an estimated 763 lives in 2020 alone!

CPC encourages women who have begun the abortion process to call the rescue hotline or visit the website below.  

Abortion Pill Rescue Hotline: 877-558-0333

[1] https://www.heartbeatinternational.org/images/pdf/HB_LifeTrends_2020_DIGITAL.pdf