Education Classes
Take classes and earn items for your child
Earn While You Learn
Babies have needs–could you use some help? At CPC Women’s Health Resource, we offer over 100 free sessions custom fit to meet your personal needs. These sessions allow you to earn baby items and at the same time increase your parenting skills. Some of the baby items you can earn are: cribs, car seats, diapers, formula, baby clothing, blankets, baby supplies, and much more.
Choosing to parent can be a difficult decision to make, but we are here to help you. One way we can help you is through our Earn While You Learn assistance program.
As a part of our Earn While You Learn Parenting (EWYL) Program, we provide you with an opportunity to earn baby bucks that you can use to “purchase” new equipment, such as cribs and car seats. We also have new items for you to “buy” like baby clothes, diapers, formula, baby food, blankets, accessories, and other needed supplies.
At our centers, we provide you with an opportunity to learn how to be the best parent you can be by providing over 100 classes on a variety of topics that you may choose from which can be designed to fit your needs and those of your baby. Earn While You Learn will help you to understand what to expect in pregnancy, how to prepare for delivery, provide you with advice on good parenting, and help you learn how to develop lasting relationships. Best of all, you will work with a parenting coach who will be able to help you better understand the challenges and joys that lie ahead for you and your baby. The clients (men and women) who take these classes in order to earn new items for their babies tell us that even after they have earned their supplies and equipment, they want to continue to take the classes.
Please call to talk to a staff person about making an appointment to begin EWYL classes. This program is free to our clients and supported by local United Way groups and community individuals. It is an easy way to earn “baby bucks” in order to earn the beautiful items we have waiting for you and your baby.