Healthy Choices for You, Your Body & Your Baby
Sometimes, a pregnant woman visits CPC knowing right away she wants to explore adoption for her baby. However, she may not know where to begin. Staff and volunteers at CPC help clients get started on the road to adoption.
In fact, a young, pregnant mother recently visited CPC during her last trimester. When she expressed interest in learning about adoption, the office manager talked the woman through the process. She even helped set up an appointment with Spirit of Faith Adoptions, a regional, Christian-based adoption agency.
We learned the client had yet to see a doctor at any point during her pregnancy, so the office manager also provided several referrals to get the young mother started on prenatal care.
At CPC, we help you find the resources you need to make healthy choices for you, your body, and your baby. If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, contact us today to make an appointment.