Tara’s Story
While speaking to us about what she thought “doing the right thing” meant, Tara stated, “I just thought you went to church and tried to be the best person you could be. However, at the age of 14, I found myself pregnant and not knowing what to do. My parents took me to CPC Women’s Health Resource where I received counseling that helped me to choose life for my unborn baby.” Tara’s parents, however, had another plan and insisted on taking her to get an abortion. Tara felt trapped as if she had no other choices. For days, the CPC staff and volunteers prayed fervently for Tara and her parents, as did her church family, and after much prayer, the abortion appointment was cancelled. The CPC staff worked with Tara to help her make an adoption plan for her baby by contacting a local Christian adoption agency, and she chose a couple from their files to parent her son. However, since the birth father was unwilling to sign the adoption papers for placing the baby in the adoption home, the adoption fell apart. “Since we were not planning on bringing the baby home, we had no supplies at all, but the CPC surprised us when they arrived at my parents’ home with a huge amount of baby items and supplies for Jonathon.” Now Tara has finished high school, earned her nursing degree, and is happily married with 4 children. She also volunteers at the CPC as a nurse who helps with pregnancy testing. Tara says, “ I am now able to help other women who are going through the same things I went through. Even though it was a painful situation at the time, I can now help others see there is a light at the end of the tunnel.”